Music is life to a lot. They consider it as their brother when they are feeling something. Listening to a melody or making a song is a gratifying experience to a lot of music lovers. It is one way of expressing yourself. It is through a song why a person continues living the bounty of life.
For so many years, a music club which was opened in 1973 have all welcomed young and old folks to join the fun. The club freely welcomes those who are music addicts too. There are several bands who makes themselves at home in becoming a part of a CBGB band.
The fun that the club offers to the folks have marked permanently in their lives. CBGB is known as country, bluegrass and blues. As time passed, it changed its genre. The blues have become punks because so many punk rock bands have invaded the entire stage which teens find it impressive. The cool melody creates a bang in the heads of many. Music lovers with the same genre usually spends their time in the club because it is a comfort for them which is not visible to some clubs.
The bands all look punk because it is their way in perceiving themselves. Their song speaks of themselves too. Being a punk is very unlikely to some ordinary folks but they do not know what those kids can do.
These bands only follow what is rightful and just. Though some people observe them as practicing devilish acts yet it is absolutely a lie. They never do such ways because they are moral people. They believe in what is right and what is wrong.
No matter how other perceived and judged them, they still continue living the life that they love. They never stopped making their song. The punk groups believed in freedom and refuse tyranny. They believe that doing the right thing and believing which is lawful is what freedom is.
Punks live a normal life too which is somehow opposite to how they look. They cook their own meals, wash their soiled clothes and earn for a living. They do house chores the same as what usual folks do. They want their lives to be a success too.
Since the bands have such gruesome, strong and dark melodies, their clothing too expresses themselves. It is not just the songs that truly reflect them as a person but the clothes and styles mirrors out their insides too. They look cool and sing their melody cooler.
Punks and their groups of today have become cooler. Though they are grotesque as what some people perceived them because of how they look and act, they still have hearts as soft as cotton. They love truly and they understand which things are right or wrong. They never fail their friends and families in giving their best because it is how they show love. In every experiences that they encountered, they make a song to it.
For so many years, a music club which was opened in 1973 have all welcomed young and old folks to join the fun. The club freely welcomes those who are music addicts too. There are several bands who makes themselves at home in becoming a part of a CBGB band.
The fun that the club offers to the folks have marked permanently in their lives. CBGB is known as country, bluegrass and blues. As time passed, it changed its genre. The blues have become punks because so many punk rock bands have invaded the entire stage which teens find it impressive. The cool melody creates a bang in the heads of many. Music lovers with the same genre usually spends their time in the club because it is a comfort for them which is not visible to some clubs.
The bands all look punk because it is their way in perceiving themselves. Their song speaks of themselves too. Being a punk is very unlikely to some ordinary folks but they do not know what those kids can do.
These bands only follow what is rightful and just. Though some people observe them as practicing devilish acts yet it is absolutely a lie. They never do such ways because they are moral people. They believe in what is right and what is wrong.
No matter how other perceived and judged them, they still continue living the life that they love. They never stopped making their song. The punk groups believed in freedom and refuse tyranny. They believe that doing the right thing and believing which is lawful is what freedom is.
Punks live a normal life too which is somehow opposite to how they look. They cook their own meals, wash their soiled clothes and earn for a living. They do house chores the same as what usual folks do. They want their lives to be a success too.
Since the bands have such gruesome, strong and dark melodies, their clothing too expresses themselves. It is not just the songs that truly reflect them as a person but the clothes and styles mirrors out their insides too. They look cool and sing their melody cooler.
Punks and their groups of today have become cooler. Though they are grotesque as what some people perceived them because of how they look and act, they still have hearts as soft as cotton. They love truly and they understand which things are right or wrong. They never fail their friends and families in giving their best because it is how they show love. In every experiences that they encountered, they make a song to it.