
Advantages Of Dance Competitions Chicago

By Larry Carter

Dancing is becoming prevalent among many people. Some do it for fun while others do it as a career. Professional dancers take part in competitions to win trophies, get exposure and perfect moves. Instead of staying in the studio and dancing only with your classmates, consider dancing in a high stakes environment and see the difference, even if you are not a professional dancer. Here are the advantages of dance competitions Chicago.

There are great talents in various studios in Chicago. But these dancers lack the experience which comes with performing before a crowd. Competitions give talented dancers a platform to put themselves on the stage. Performing is something different from practicing in the studio. Learning to work on a stage with big lights and in front of judges takes dancing to a whole new level.

After the performance, judges must give their verdict. Before doing so, they must criticize, complement and give suggestions or recommendations. The dancers get a chance to hear thoughts of some of the best dance professionals in the industry. The opinions and personal thoughts can help improve the performance of troupes that take the feedback seriously next time they are competing.

Some talented dancers grow old without meeting a professional who can notice their talents and create new opportunities or help them develop their talents. This is common for people who only train in studios. Dancers get the chance to get seen when they perform, by the best professionals in this industry. Those with outstanding talents are given scholarships and others get job opportunities hence improving their lives. Without competitions, talents cannot be identified in dancers.

Similarly, competitions help dancers create networks. They attract large crowds some professionals from different states. One gets to connect with new people or enthusiast. These people are from different backgrounds hence you get to learn about new cultures and create networks that will be helpful to you in the future.

A lot of people especially those who practice routines in studios live in a comfort zone and do not strive to do better or work harder. Taking part in competitions will get you out of the comfort zone and raise your standards because the teachers, choreographers and the dancers will strive to do better because they will be performing in a whole different level and environment. Everyone begins to strive for better styles and more polished performances.

You might find great dancers who cannot work for a crew because they think they are better and others are not good. Such people lack teamwork which is a very crucial element for a troupe. When a competition is near, such people are forced to work with others because if they do not, they will also not go far.

Lastly, they teach people grace. The dance world is tough and most of the times you get on the stage you are going to lose. Competitions will teach you to accept defeat and criticism because in your career you will experience that a lot. Developing that attitude helps a lot later in life.

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