
Where There Is Failure, There Is Success For Acoustic Studio Guitarist Nashville

By Martha Jones

There are many bad and terrible things that the rise of the internet has brought to the forefront, issues such as cyber bullying, the sale of consumer information and an obsession with stalking former flames on social media. However, amidst all the terrible things that the internet and technology has brought the world it has also brought the wonderful gift of accessibility and convenience. In the past becoming an audio visual company required a great pull of resources, however, in recent years you need very little to be successful in this field, since opportunities to work with an acoustic studio guitarist Nashville becomes a possibility.

In fact, it seems like being a self-made successful distributor of content has never been so easy. The game has changed and large corporations no longer have monopolies over tech such as cameras, microphones, and software. The invention of the smart device certainly ensured this. In recent years on sites such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have created a platform of sharing media and sharing it instantly and to a ready audience.

These people known and Youtubers and YouTube Channels are becoming self-made organisations that pump out media on the daily. These self-made entities have turned what used to be an exclusive industry and made it a hobby.

It has also never been easier too. Whichever smartphone device you are using has access to millions of software and apps that you can use without paying a cent in order to produce, upload, market, share and popularise your content. There is certainly no longer a middleman, everything is available at the click of a button.

The stars are also starting to see this gap and taking advantage of it. One particular singer who is taking full advantage of the access between content, producer and consumer is Beyonce. In 2013 the mega star decided to abandon all the conventional way of sharing her audio visual album titled Beyonce. Instead of going the bureaucratic way and waiting for all the red tape to clear she took the access that the internet has given and used it as a marketing strategy.

When singers are releasing audio and visual content they have to do it according to the formula. Usually an artist will release a single, the single will gain popularity and traction by being played on radio. Once the single is popular enough on radio the singer will release a visual to accompany the song. This would play on TV shows across the board. Music shows, during commercials etc.

This would be done for three songs, then the artist would drop a full album. The three or so songs released first were called singles and usually these would be the only songs that make it into the charts. However, when Beyonce dropped her album she simply by passed all of that by using sites such as YouTube and Instagram and got her content directly to the consumer.

Technology is truly allowing for things to be less capitalistic and more accessible. Anyone from anywhere can now upload media content and have someone watch it or hear it.

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