
Details About Disorderly Persons Offense NJ

By Virginia Stone

Sometimes even good people who obey the laws of their country can find themselves on the wrong side of the state. The problem with the law is that it disallows anyone from pleading they were ignorant of certain laws. The state and the other organs of government assume you know all the rules that govern your jurisdiction. A disorderly persons offense NJ does not look like a serious matter, but it can get you into a lot of trouble.

If you are a first-time offender, you most likely will not go to jail. However, if you have it, you are facing a maximum of six months of jail time. You do not want to end up in jail, nor do you want to have a criminal history. That is the reason you want to fight these charges. Doing so might require you to hire an experienced lawyer.

You might not have done something serious, but the law regards such an offense as a criminal charge. It is of the same category as a misdemeanor. The problem with the two of them is that once you are convicted, you will end up with a criminal record. This is something to avoid because if anyone runs a background check on you, they will know about it.

The municipal court in the area where the offense occurred is mandated to listen to and determine such cases. If you have not been involved in such a situation in the past, you might feel like it is all terrible and hopeless. Fortunately, you can apply after five years to have the authorities clear your record. Having other counts works against you.

Most people would not like to have to wait five years before they can apply to have the record removed. If that is you, you could be racking your brains hoping that there could be an avenue that could allow you a bit of reprieve. Qualified and experienced lawyers are who you go to for ideas and solutions. The best ones can land you a dismissal.

A well-trained and experienced legal professional can have you put into a diversionary program instead. They know how to use their expertise and knowledge of the law to earn you a conditional discharge which typically attracts a fine. Other times, a lawyer will negotiate to have your matter downgraded to a lesser count that does not harm you.

Typically, your attorney tries their level best to have the court downgrade your matter to a municipal ordinance violation. This count comes with a fine and no jail time or criminal record. Assume you participated in a bar brawl and now have a case to answer. Your attorney will fight hard to make sure you plead guilty to noise making, an ordinance violation, and not the other count.

It is not recommended that you handle the situation alone. The right thing to do is to look for a professional who has a proven history of helping those in cases like yours. The expert will demand fees, of course, but they can help you turn a bad situation into one that does not turn your life upside down.

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