
How Art Therapy Can Contribute To The Healing Process

By Deborah Murphy

Some people find that group therapy is the answer to their problems, while other seem to think that psychotherapy will help them. However, lately more and more people have found that it is the creative process which is able to give them a lot of freedom and work on their healing. Art therapy is something which has grown in popularity.

This can especially relate to those people who have trouble expressing themselves with words. It may be difficult to establish trust or to get the communicative process going with someone new. However, this also relates to those people who have been abused and have a big block. Using some form of art can be therapeutic and allow one to express theirselves in a non-verbal manner.

Getting into a routine with this is important. Once the patient knows what to do, they will start to improve by slotting into a set time everyday, such as waking up in the morning to do a little painting or drawing. One only has to participate in an activity like this for 30 minutes. For someone who is anxious, for example, this will set their mind at ease.

This can also apply to those at a drug clinic. Very often a program is designed with variety and having a therapy program like this is definitely something to look forward to. Addicts will be able to have a sense of freedom as they express what is on they heart and release their rage, for example.

This will also be a safety net for the patient. A therapist who is working with someone who has suicide thoughts always has to work on what is safe in their lives and this will bring them back to reality, and out of the negative mode. It has been proven by working in this creative process, the two parts of the brain start to do the healing work. This is something that talk therapy can't do.

A psychologist may refer their patient to a therapist should they feel that they are not progressing in therapy during the talk progress method. For some patients, talking about their problems is useful, but not everyone is able to do this. Research show that the brain benefits from the creative process and this is especially true where memories have been forgotten about. The two sides of the brain start to reconnect.

Social groups are organized in clinics and hospitals in Camarrillo, CA which can be a nice way to socialize with others while participating in projects like these. One can also go to private sessions because some people may become uncomfortable in a session like this. Working in a nice environment surrounded by nature, for example is also helpful.

Children also struggle to talk about certain issues and find that this can be helpful in schools. A psychologist may refer them to someone who can help them with this type of therapy. It is not only drawing and painting that they will be involved in. Often there is more of a variety and this is something to look forward to. Working with different textures can also help the brain and the mind in this process.

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