
Exploring The Spiritual Journeys Of Bible Pilgrims In Endless Possibilities Books

By Iva Cannon

With many people moving through life on paths designed to improve their personal faith, a series of books designed to help them can be very welcomed. For those who are Christian, the life affirming stories of famous men and women in the Bible hold particular interest. For this reason, author Lee B. Spitzen has created stimulating reading for those looking for inspiration and guidance.

Everyone who is spiritually minded has days and seasons when life simply gets confusing. Keeping a clear head about what is truly important can become clouded. These engaging endless possibilities books offer readers help for those times, because it can be difficult when problems arise and there is no clear answer or solution.

The volumes ask questions of the readers. Calls to consider whether or not one is actually growing in faith rather than declining are one tool included. Another question asks whether or not the reader is aware of what paths God has given to him or her.

Dr. Spitzer chooses constructive methods for learning to embrace the spiritual gifts God gives to each person. He is Jewish by birth, but became a Christian when he was a younger man. He and his wife were teenagers when they answered their call from God together. He writes in a manner that provokes thoughtfulness about choosing various life paths. Using scripture references and devotions, he calls his readers to do what he refers to as Exploration Exercises. These are designed to draw the faithful into deeper relationships with God and people.

These books divide any journey of faith into five important phases. Preparation is the first. Next comes identifying the call to be faithful. Third gives ways to understand how important it is that we cooperate with our neighbors and God. Fourth in the list is about goals and what we must do when we reach them. Fifth and last includes resurrection and life anew for today and tomorrow. These distinct parts of each of our journeys are guidelines for understanding how and what we should undertake along the way. The idea is that we can learn to see what is happening more clearly and act upon circumstances in positive ways.

There are two volumes included in the program of study. The main volume teaches about goals and identifying the essential nature of what each of our journey means. It also helps to point out what happens when difficult choices lead to bad paths and what can be done to avoid them. Stimulating ways to think about fulfilling what God has chosen for us is a clear focus in these writings.

The second volume in the program is course book filled with numerous opportunities for journal writing, note taking, and truly questioning what Christianity requires of its followers and provides for them throughout life. This contains reflections on the spiritual self using scripture passages for devotional purposes.

If you are seeking a more full way of traveling through life, with more options to stretch your spiritual self, you might consider attending one of the many retreats offered that use this program. You will be offered tools to overcome problems with loneliness, ways to encourage new friendships and many options for thinking about life very thoughtfully. If you truly wish to grow personally within the context of your church membership, these publications will help you to see new ways to create your most insightful life journeys.

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