
Everything You Should Know About Oromia News

By Olivia Cross

The Oromia region of Ethiopia is the second-largest country on the continent of Africa in terms of population. Located in the Horn of Africa, it is also the most populous country that is completely land-locked. It is now possible to be able to read Oromia news. Oromia is one of the nine regional states in Ethiopia.

The regional capital of Oromia has an interesting history. Up until 2000, it was located in Addis Ababa, which was known also as Finfinne. As the new millennium dawned, the capital was moved to Adama. According to government sources, Addis Ababa was inconvenient from the point of view of developing the region's culture, history, and language. This turned out to be a controversial move, with critics declaring that the government wanted to play down the importance of Addis Ababa in the region. In 2005, the Oromo People's Democratic Organization returned the capital back to Finfinne.

The fact that we are now able to read about this is a huge step forward for the country as a whole. Until very recently, the Ethiopian government kept a tight lid on what was going on inside their country. It will be interesting to see how events unfold as Ethiopia takes its place under the world's microscope.

Oromo is also known as Finfinne. The Finfinne Tribune writes about the supposed origins of the Abyssinian Solomonic dynasty. In the Old Testament, we read about King Solomon hosting a visit from the Queen of Sheba. What we do not read about in the books of Kings and 2 Chronicles is the birth of Minilik I, the product of a romantic union between the two monarchs. This baby grew up to become a king of Ethiopia/Abyssinia.

While the Bible certainly does not shy away from mentioning the products of adulterous relationships (King Solomon himself, the son of King David and Bathsheba was born on the wrong side of the blanket), it makes no mention of a romance between the two monarchs, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, nor does it say anything about Minilik I.

Now, rulers back in those days made a habit of claiming a mystical heritage, if only to distances themselves from their subjects. These lofty roots were used as justification to exercise limitless power over the ordinary mortals over whom they reigned.

The practice of claiming divine origins lasted until Emperor Haile Sillassee was deposed in the revolution of 1974. He, too, was part of the Solomonic dynasty. Born TM Woldemikael, he was regent of Ethiopia for 29 years before ascending to Emperor in 1930.

It is exciting to be exposed to new stories about old countries that never seem to have a big role on the world stage, at least from a western point of view. It is unfortunate that records of the Solomonic Dynasty, kept by the Christian monks of the Ethiopian orthodoxy, were demolished when Judith I destroyed the monasteries. Following the revolution in 1974, most of the Ethiopian royal family were put in prison, later to be released and entered into exile. Today, many members of the royal family have been allowed to come back and life in Ethiopia.

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