If you desire to be in these places, then you simply need to search for them in the right way. If you will perform that step, then you will not be wasting your time and effort in going through the process. You will be trained by no one but the best and that will allow you to be proud of yourself.
The first thing that you would need to determine would be the nature of the lessons. If some of the jazz schools in Ottawa are willing to give you private lessons, then that is something that you have to be thankful for. Keep in mind that this is a privilege that you would not get to have on a regular basis.
Second, if you like the teachers that you will be having, then that is a good sign. This just means that you have not diverted from your original path. You are following everything that has been said to you and that is a good thing. So, you just continue what you are doing since this is for your own sake.
Third, be able to judge the character of the people who will be teaching you. If you do not like them during the interview, then there is a great possibility that you will never be a perfect match for them. Thus, you will have to be careful in here since you cannot afford to make a wrong decision.
If they can pave way to your erratic schedule, then you will just need to thank them for that. Take note that not all the mentors that you will encounter along the way will be this understanding. Once you have found the good ones, then never let them go even if you still have other options to consider.
If you would like to be in an interactive class, then you would just have to specify that. As you can see, your life does not have to be complicated. If you would be very vocal with the things that you are expecting, then the institution would instantly be able to answer all of your queries.
If they are near your home, school or workplace, then that is the perfect set up for you. Keep in mind that this is not going to the center of your life from this point onwards. You would have to set your priorities straight and find a music school that will help you balance things.
If you can afford to be in the school of your choice, then be there. There is simply no turning back for you now. If you will stay here, then you have to finish the course no matter how stressful it can get.
Overall, go with the most suitable school in Ottawa for you. Those freebies will have to come second in your list of priorities. Take seriously in here and you will have the career that you crave for and that is a blessing.
The first thing that you would need to determine would be the nature of the lessons. If some of the jazz schools in Ottawa are willing to give you private lessons, then that is something that you have to be thankful for. Keep in mind that this is a privilege that you would not get to have on a regular basis.
Second, if you like the teachers that you will be having, then that is a good sign. This just means that you have not diverted from your original path. You are following everything that has been said to you and that is a good thing. So, you just continue what you are doing since this is for your own sake.
Third, be able to judge the character of the people who will be teaching you. If you do not like them during the interview, then there is a great possibility that you will never be a perfect match for them. Thus, you will have to be careful in here since you cannot afford to make a wrong decision.
If they can pave way to your erratic schedule, then you will just need to thank them for that. Take note that not all the mentors that you will encounter along the way will be this understanding. Once you have found the good ones, then never let them go even if you still have other options to consider.
If you would like to be in an interactive class, then you would just have to specify that. As you can see, your life does not have to be complicated. If you would be very vocal with the things that you are expecting, then the institution would instantly be able to answer all of your queries.
If they are near your home, school or workplace, then that is the perfect set up for you. Keep in mind that this is not going to the center of your life from this point onwards. You would have to set your priorities straight and find a music school that will help you balance things.
If you can afford to be in the school of your choice, then be there. There is simply no turning back for you now. If you will stay here, then you have to finish the course no matter how stressful it can get.
Overall, go with the most suitable school in Ottawa for you. Those freebies will have to come second in your list of priorities. Take seriously in here and you will have the career that you crave for and that is a blessing.