
A Guide To Help You Become A Film Writer

By Estelle Larsen

If you love watching movies and you are talented when it comes to writing, consider giving screen writing a shot. Not only will it be financially and socially rewarding, it will also give you an opportunity to explore your creative side. Since the film industry is quite competitive, there are a number of things you should do to increase your chances of making it as a film writer.

Learn how to write screenplays and get into the habit of writing on a regular basis. You can learn by reading books on screenplays, attending a short writing course or by finding information online. There are also free and paid software, which can help you format your plays. You can also get mentored by a professional, so as to know the ins and outs of writing good screenplays.

Network with other screen writers. This will help you know about any opportunities that may come up for writers. Also, being a part of a network is helpful when you need someone to proofread your manuscripts. Having a professional go through your manuscript before you submit it will help you rectify any mistakes you may have unknowingly made. Schools that offer film studies and film centers are good places to network with other movie lovers.

Start sending out your scripts. Research and find out which companies accept manuscripts. There are some companies that will accept unsolicited manuscripts. Other companies provide specifications for writing manuscripts, so you will have to adhere to those specifications if you want your manuscripts to be accepted. You might have to work with a producer in order to increase your chances of acceptance.

Be aware that it is not going to be a smooth ride. This will save you from a lot of disappointment. Chances are that some of your manuscripts will be rejected. When this happens, try to correct the problem areas the organization may have pointed out as being the reason for rejection. You can also try submitting the manuscript to a different organization.

Another way to get into the world of screenwriting is by participating in contests. If you win the competition, you will get various prices as well as increase your exposure. However, even if you do not come out tops, you can still be spotted by a producer if your play was well written.

So as not to have too much pressure on how you are going to make money, it is advisable that you work on screen writing as a side job. Get another job, so that you can have money to pay your bills. Having a paying job helps you not get desperate, especially when things are not working out for you in the entertainment industry.

It may take a long time or a short time for you to break into the industry, depending on how lucky you are and how hard you work. When you finally get one of your manuscripts accepted, this is not the end of writing for you, focus on your next screenplay project. Coming up with a series of well written lays is what will keep you relevant in the industry for a long time.

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