There are certain novels that continuously appear on best seller lists. These are crime fiction books and one may wonder why humans choose to read them. After all, is our world not over-filled with horror and death already? The reasons people will give for their enjoyment of such novels may vary greatly, with some enjoying the mystery and suspense and others loving the psychological or forensic elements.
It is true that these novels have a way of catching the attention of the reader and keeping it all the way through as nuggets of information come to light. The story is usually driven by a murder and the desire to find the perpetrator. The reader is drawn in to solving the mystery too and participates in the suspense as it unfolds towards a conclusion.
Some authors are masters of the slow burn, where they unveil small apparently unrelated details and successfully tie them all up at the end. Others expose the reader to the killer and what he or she is thinking right from the beginning of the novel. We slowly begin to understand more about the person and what has made them into a killer.
The characters who set about solving the mystery are often carefully developed. We see all their flaws and admire their perseverance in spite of them. They are tenacious in their attempts to find the murderer. We are drawn into their lives and made to care about them, admiring their insight into human nature and urging them on as they seek out the killer.
These novels are often set in interesting times or places. These are often described in such a way as to make the reader feel that they are actually living in that particular century or place in the world. Italy, Istanbul or Sweden are just some of these places and the action may even take place in the past or in the future.
The themes covered are those which have fascinated humans for years. Life and death, evil and good are just some of the high stakes issues involved. The emotions of greed, courage, cowardice, revenge and lust are all exposed. Reassuringly, evil is exposed and perpetrators must face the consequences.
There are so many different types of crime novels. There are those that offer a puzzle to solve or a mystery to unravel. Others offer more of the gory details, including the forensic elements which usually help in solving the mystery. There are those that focus on the psychological aspects and offer insight into what makes people tick.
The same themes have intrigued humans for centuries and this type of novel offers a vehicle for vicarious exploration of many of these themes and emotions. Whatever the reason for reading such novels, the fact remains that they are a very popular form of fiction today. They are widely available and can be purchased from many sources, including online stores where reviews can be read before deciding what to purchase.
It is true that these novels have a way of catching the attention of the reader and keeping it all the way through as nuggets of information come to light. The story is usually driven by a murder and the desire to find the perpetrator. The reader is drawn in to solving the mystery too and participates in the suspense as it unfolds towards a conclusion.
Some authors are masters of the slow burn, where they unveil small apparently unrelated details and successfully tie them all up at the end. Others expose the reader to the killer and what he or she is thinking right from the beginning of the novel. We slowly begin to understand more about the person and what has made them into a killer.
The characters who set about solving the mystery are often carefully developed. We see all their flaws and admire their perseverance in spite of them. They are tenacious in their attempts to find the murderer. We are drawn into their lives and made to care about them, admiring their insight into human nature and urging them on as they seek out the killer.
These novels are often set in interesting times or places. These are often described in such a way as to make the reader feel that they are actually living in that particular century or place in the world. Italy, Istanbul or Sweden are just some of these places and the action may even take place in the past or in the future.
The themes covered are those which have fascinated humans for years. Life and death, evil and good are just some of the high stakes issues involved. The emotions of greed, courage, cowardice, revenge and lust are all exposed. Reassuringly, evil is exposed and perpetrators must face the consequences.
There are so many different types of crime novels. There are those that offer a puzzle to solve or a mystery to unravel. Others offer more of the gory details, including the forensic elements which usually help in solving the mystery. There are those that focus on the psychological aspects and offer insight into what makes people tick.
The same themes have intrigued humans for centuries and this type of novel offers a vehicle for vicarious exploration of many of these themes and emotions. Whatever the reason for reading such novels, the fact remains that they are a very popular form of fiction today. They are widely available and can be purchased from many sources, including online stores where reviews can be read before deciding what to purchase.
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