
Top Guidelines For Choosing The Best One Act Plays For High School

By Anita Ortega

Audiences will only want to see a drama that is exiting and thought provoking. However, choosing the best one act plays for high school can be quite a challenge for any individual. This is because you have to consider the subject, characters, dialogue, settings and ensure that you avoid any instants of boredom. These tips will guide you through the selection process.

Ensure that the theatre pieces do not have extensive exposition. If the drama is about Margaret and Daniel quarreling in a restaurant, there are things that should not be included in the acting. For instance, your viewers will not want to know the number of siblings they have, the town they were born in or any information that is unrelated to the performance.

You should be knowledgeable about these skits. Ensure that you see or read a few samples of these dramas. There are countless compilations available that can help you check out works written by both the famous and up-coming playwrights. This will help you understand what happens, the time frame of the dramas, the number of characters and settings used.

Choose a script that has a complete story. It is always go the old way and get a dram that has a clearly defined beginning, a captivating middle part, and catchy end. This is the only way you can be sure the audience will follow the story. If things are mixed up and there is no clear flow, the characters may fail to engage with the audience.

The setting should be simple. Some dramas require a set of locations and different props, which may be difficult to arrange in a small stage. The idea should simple and relate to an activity that can take place within a single or few settings. Remember that if it is too complex, it may become boring.

Most people choose dramas because of their own personal reasons as the story may resonate with them. However, in your selection process, your main target should be your audience. Remember that it is not a privilege for anyone to see your production; it is an honor for them to pay to watch it.

Consider the simplicity of the set structure. These shows are usually performed in groups of two or even more on one night. Ensure that you pick something that will be erected and put down quickly. The theatre should comfortably house each set, when the other skit is in production.

You should always choose pieces that complement each other. Your listeners will have problems adjusting from a light comedy piece to one that has dark tragedy. Therefore, consider the themes and styles of the skits so that you know the emotional shift you will expect from your audience.

Most people have problems picking the right theatre piece for you. This will ensure that you choose a drama is entertaining and complete. You definitely want your viewers to have a memorable experience. Therefore, you should entirely devote yourself to the selection process for good results.

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