
Scanning The Marriage Counseling Arlington Listings For Help

By Marissa Velazquez

There are many theories about why fifty percent of all marriages fail currently. Some traditionalists say it is because women work and do not rely on men to support them. Others say the women are too career- oriented. One prominent thought is that there is a lack of communication between husband and wife. If both are willing to pursue marriage counseling Arlington offers many qualified therapists to help.

Many married couples have heated arguments about money and how to spend it. Sometimes the argument extends to the fact that finances do not allow for the added expense of counseling. In some cases, the therapy is covered by insurance. In others, the couple must pay for it themselves.

The first counseling session is attended by both husband and wife. Often there are multiple issues that need to be resolved. They might fight over money or one of the partners happens to dislike his or her mother-in-law. This can cause the kind of discord that accelerates over time.

Whenever children are involved, it is more important to save the marriage if at all possible. Having two parents in the home is the optimal choice. However, if the parents are always fighting and the home is not a happy one, they may be better off with the parents divorcing.

It is, however, worth taking the time required to try to resolve the issues. A series of appointments with a qualified marriage counselor will result in a good prediction of whether it is worth saving the relationship or not. As you talk, the therapist pays attention to what you say and how you react to each other.

Contrary to what one may think, if only one partner goes into therapy, it can still provide help by facilitating understanding. When one partner understands, he or she may change the prevailing attitude. If this helps the other partner to see hope for change in a seemingly impossible situation, there is still hope.

It is true that you are paying the counselor for advice and should follow it. However, if it does not make sense to you, or makes you uncomfortable, you are not bound to it. In cases involving sexual incompatibility, couples can be hesitant to explain the details of how they really feel. This can block a successful outcome.

A well-adjusted couple may have no problems until they encounter a crisis situation. Each may have a diametrically opposed impression of the situation and how to handle it. If there is a death in the family, or a financial crisis, they may be unable to deal with it. The relationship may be damaged. Unless they can communicate, it is doubtful they can repair the damage.

It is the job of the therapist to facilitate that understanding and ability to communicate. It will help them to work along with the counselor to restore the happy relationship they formerly enjoyed. They must, however, be willing to work with the person providing marriage counseling Arlington based, to put the relationship back on track. The marriage is often worth saving.

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