
A Guide To Creating A Glass Sculpture Alberta

By Alyce Powell

Sculpting in glass has always been a very challenging and delicate form of sculpting simply because it is not an easy task to handle shards and making something out of these pieces. If one is an artist and would like a little challenge, then it is suggested that he try to make a glass sculpture Alberta. If he would want to but does not know where to start, then here are some ideas on how to.

Now take note that this kind of activity is quite dangerous because one may get cut by some of shards that he is using. That is why he will be needing some equipment and some supplies that will be able to keep him from getting hurt. Some of the things that he will be needing would be some goggles, some gloves, a torch, a kiln, and a graphite paddle.

So to start of, one should first put on his goggles and his gloves so that his hands and eyes will not get hurt. Some other things to wear in order to be protected would be some long sleeves and a short apron so that the shards will not go to the body. After all of this is done, then one may now on the torch and start with the building.

After the torch has been lit up, then the dangerous part will come because he will be playing with fire. What he should do is that he should point the torch a little bit at a small piece of glass shard and make sure that it melts just a little bit. If it is already quite soft, then one may actually manipulate it to create a ball.

The first thing that one should be creating would actually be the base of the figure. The base is one of the most important parts to create because this is the thing that will hold the figure so that it will not fall down. Use the balls of glass that was melted earlier on to create it and manipulate it with the graphite paddles.

When that is done, continue to make a few more balls in order to shape up the base and make it sturdy. After that has been made, then the next thing to do would be to concentrate on making the figure next. To start off, one must first preheat the kiln because he will use it later on.

After he has preheated the kiln, then he may start building the figure by making use of the tweezers to pull the pieces around. Of course he will also need to straighten them and building them a little bit with the use of some graphite poles. When one has already finished with this, then all he has to would be to put it on the kiln for it to heat up.

When it is already done, one must put it on the kiln and slowly decrease the fire every hour by ninety degrees. This will allow the glass sculpture Alberta to harden and not crack. After it is already significantly hard, one may take it out of the kiln and just allow it to cool off.

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