
A Vast Assortment Of Fantasy Landscape Photos

By Dale Peck

People buy fantasy landscape photos for any number of reasons. The photographs can be framed and hung on the walls of offices, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and garages. An adolescent boy might suspend such a photo on the inside of his locker door at school. A woman might hang a framed fantasy photo on the wall behind her desk at work. Whatever the reason for purchasing a fantasy landscape image might be, there is a wide array from which to choose.

One example of a fantasy depiction of a landscape is the image of a nighttime sky in lustrous shades of green and blue. Stars form the backdrop for a nearby moon that is almost full. On the ground, shimmery flowers in purple, blue and yellow lie at the edge of a lush green carpet of grass.

Another image illustrates an imagined orb of clouds and water. A complex sky comprises varying hues of blue, from a shade that appears to be almost white, to a brilliant combination of green and blue, to an intensely dark blue that is almost black. A vast coastline looms far away, with buildings and boats hovering near its edge.

A depiction that may appeal to individuals who like the desert is a landscape made up of various tones of orange, red, beige and tan. A big castle constructed from sand stands in the forefront of the landscape. Wispy clouds float in a sky that is the shade of violets. At one side of the fantasy desert, the ground leads into nothingness.

The image of a desolate planet, with a moon surrounded by multiple silver rings, may attract individuals who appreciate science fiction. In the distance, a bird that looks prehistoric flies high in the sky. A deep valley lies at the bottom of mountainous terrain, and on the ground is a dusting of light snow.

A silver castle stretches across much of the land in an eerie depiction of a cold and dark netherworld. Into a large black sea, rivers of sand flow. Huge gray clouds obscure a faint trace of light in the sky. Into what appears to be eternity, a backdrop seems to loom for endless miles.

Many individuals might prefer to look at images that are not gloomy. The depiction of a small gazebo, positioned in a world of fairies, might well match such a preference. In the photograph, a dawn sky is soft and lustrous, with pale yellow forming along its border. A glass awning glistens above the gazebo, and bright flowers are strewn over its benches. Thick mist covers the countless trees that an onlooker in the fantasy land might see. A large gate opens onto an inviting field of daisies, lavender and orchids.

Fantasy landscape photos offer much worth considering, whether a person is looking for artwork to ornament a home, or a birthday gift for a nephew who loves science fiction. A broad variety of styles may be found in such photographs, and they might appeal to a wide assortment of people. Photos of fantasy landscapes can spark creativity in almost anyone, and they may be ideal for those who seek something far from ordinary.

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