
Arts Effect On Society And How It Influences People

By Maryellen Lamb

When one talks about art, he is not exactly talking about an object but rather a concept. Art has been around even before humans created civilization. It has actually been one of the cornerstones of society as a whole. In fact, arts effect on society has been very apparent over the course of the history of humankind.

Art has been around ever since the world began. It is not exactly an object but rather an idea or a concept that was created by humans to appreciate. In fact, the first form of it was said to be from the Stone Age. During that time, cavemen would draw different pictures on the cave walls as a hobby. Today, these drawings are now considered one of the earliest forms of art.

It has so many effects on societies because of how people react to it. The primary effect would actually that it brings awareness to people. Art is actually a representation of the feelings of a person. These illustrations make people understand what is in the mind of the artist and probably a hundred other people.

Aside from bringing awareness, it also gives people new ideas that they can ponder on. As stated earlier, art is a mirror image of the life and existence of humankind. This being said, it gives people an idea on how life is viewed in the eyes of the artist. Since everyone has different views on the world, one will be able get a fresh new perspective of life by looking at it in the point of view of the artist.

In the course of history, art was also known to give people courage and make them believe in themselves. This was because during ancient times, freedom of speech was usually forbidden as it was seen as treachery and betrayal toward the ruler. That is why when artist voiced out what they felt in their works, people also gained more courage to voice out what they felt about the ruling powers.

Without knowing, illustrations and portrayals could also make a person smarter. As said above, it gives realizations to people. Without them knowing, it also encourages them to think critically about the meaning of the piece. Since there are so many ways to interpret it, people will have to think out of the box to get the true meaning.

As a whole, art is a way to send out a message to the public. Many people have actually changed their way of thinking because of works of art. Because of this, they try to spread their new knowledge to even their friends. That is why artists were said to be the most inspirational and influential people of history.

So as one can see, there are so many ways that artworks can influence people. If the people are influenced, then communities will be affected by the influence as well because communities are made of people. That is arts effect on society as a whole.

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