Deepika Padukone, who started off as a model, has established herself as one of the premier actors in Bollywood. Her last movie, Cocktail, made a new star out of the already famous Ms. Padukone. The gorgeous long legged beauty was in the news following her stunning appearance at the GQ Men of the Year Awards. Humble as she always has been, she rushed to meet Big B at the award ceremony to greet him. Looking breathtaking in a gorgeous red gown, she was spotted having a candid conversation with Amitabh Bachchan during the event.
Recently, she was also spotted attending Big B's 70th birthday bash wearing a black ethnic anarkali and a traditional bindi, perfecting the traditional Indian look. Deepika is known to have a great sense of fashion and has always put her best foot forward with utmost oomph and grace. Big B's birthday bash saw some significant dignitaries from the film fraternity; including the Kapoor family and faces like Vinod Khanna, Jeetendra, Yash Chopra, Karan Johar, Shahrukh Khan with wife Gauri, Farhan Akhtar, Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi. The event was also graced by business giants - the Ambanis. The night was a star studded one as everyone dropped by to wish Amitabh Bachchan a happy birthday and join the celebration. Deepika's first movie with Big B was Aarakshan, where she played his daughter.
Directed by Prakash Jha, the film is a socio-political drama based on the controversial policy of caste based reservations. Apart from being Amitabh's big fan, Deepika is glad that she got the opportunity to don the role of his daughter. Talking about her experience with Mr. Bachchan, Deepika stated, "Once you play father and daughter in a film (as they did in Aarakshan), you always share a bond for life. I remember the first guests at my new flat were Jayaji and Amitji. Jayaji spoke to me about my film and told me that I reminded her of her daughter.
Deepika is certainly overwhelmed with the cordiality that she received from the Bachchans when they attended her house-warming party. Deepika considers herself to be fortunate to get an opportunity to work with the one of the finest actors of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan. Deepika also said, "He (Amitabh Bachchan) made me very, very comfortable. However, even as the camera is rolling and you are mouthing your dialogues, you are constantly wondering if he is judging your performance.
Really, it is indeed a big deal to be actually looking into his eyes and mouthing your dialogues. Trust me, it isn't easy." Though nervous about sharing screen-space alongside Mr. Bachchan, Deepika Padukone managed to pull off her role in the film extremely well. The two actors have been known to share a special bond ever since the film. Directed by Prakash Jha, the film had Amitabh Bachchan play Dr. Prabhakar Anand while Deepika Padukone starred as his daughter, Poorbi.
Recently, she was also spotted attending Big B's 70th birthday bash wearing a black ethnic anarkali and a traditional bindi, perfecting the traditional Indian look. Deepika is known to have a great sense of fashion and has always put her best foot forward with utmost oomph and grace. Big B's birthday bash saw some significant dignitaries from the film fraternity; including the Kapoor family and faces like Vinod Khanna, Jeetendra, Yash Chopra, Karan Johar, Shahrukh Khan with wife Gauri, Farhan Akhtar, Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi. The event was also graced by business giants - the Ambanis. The night was a star studded one as everyone dropped by to wish Amitabh Bachchan a happy birthday and join the celebration. Deepika's first movie with Big B was Aarakshan, where she played his daughter.
Directed by Prakash Jha, the film is a socio-political drama based on the controversial policy of caste based reservations. Apart from being Amitabh's big fan, Deepika is glad that she got the opportunity to don the role of his daughter. Talking about her experience with Mr. Bachchan, Deepika stated, "Once you play father and daughter in a film (as they did in Aarakshan), you always share a bond for life. I remember the first guests at my new flat were Jayaji and Amitji. Jayaji spoke to me about my film and told me that I reminded her of her daughter.
Deepika is certainly overwhelmed with the cordiality that she received from the Bachchans when they attended her house-warming party. Deepika considers herself to be fortunate to get an opportunity to work with the one of the finest actors of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan. Deepika also said, "He (Amitabh Bachchan) made me very, very comfortable. However, even as the camera is rolling and you are mouthing your dialogues, you are constantly wondering if he is judging your performance.
Really, it is indeed a big deal to be actually looking into his eyes and mouthing your dialogues. Trust me, it isn't easy." Though nervous about sharing screen-space alongside Mr. Bachchan, Deepika Padukone managed to pull off her role in the film extremely well. The two actors have been known to share a special bond ever since the film. Directed by Prakash Jha, the film had Amitabh Bachchan play Dr. Prabhakar Anand while Deepika Padukone starred as his daughter, Poorbi.
About the Author:
She is a fashion editor for one of the leading women's magazines. She has been in the industry for more than 8 years and is a favorite amongst bollywood celebrities and a page 3 regular.