
Works By Modern Day Pop Artist

By Kelli Evans

For art buyers around the globe looking for a pop artist Nashville has some good ones to choose from. These artists work in a style that popped onto the popular art scene in the 1950s in both the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Today, the style is still very popular and is being created by a variety of artists.

This style unites fine art with popular images in the modern culture. Those producing the art take images from comic strips, ads, newspapers and other elements that are a part of daily modern life and put them into a different context. They use fine materials like paints and canvases to turn these ads into fine art pieces.

A lot of people think that this kind of art style is reserved for people like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein because they pioneered the style. Lichtenstein used comic strip images and blew them up on large canvases. Andy Warhol created fine art works that featured such mundane items like a can of tomato soup.

The public's love of this style didn't end in the 1950s, but carries on in today's world. The news makers and items featured in the pieces might have changed, but modern day artists continue to use popular images and ideas in their fine pieces to create some amazing works.

People searching for the right pieces or the works of specific artists can look online. Most artists have their own official web sites that feature their best works. Art buyers can also go to galleries to view art pieces from popular artists.

What begin as a commentary about modern cultures in the 1950s continues today. For buyers of art who are searching for a talented pop artist nashville has some good choices. Like Lichtenstein and Warhol the modern day artists still take images from the modern world and integrate them into their pieces. The buyer can look on web sites and in local galleries to find the right pieces.

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