
Different Styles Of Drum Circle Facilitation

By Raquel Durham

Although there are many different drum and dance events around the world which require drum circle facilitation, each generally has their own structure and identity. In addition, the style of facilitation is often based on several different factors. For example, whether such circle occurs only as a one-time workshop event, or, one which occurs on a monthly, semi-monthly or weekly.

In addition, different facilitators often use different formats. So, while one may wish to use live drummers for such an event, others prefer pre-recorded tape while others prefer to use more modern compact disc on a multi-disc changer. As such, each leader must decide what type of format works best for the event which one may be planning at the time.

Although, in addition to facilitating such event on a regular basis, one may also want to sign up to lead a workshop at a local, regional, National or International drumming event. For, doing so can be quite gratifying to those in attendance. For, there is no where else like such an event that one can network and share with other like minded musicians that an event which brings such individuals closer together in Spirit.

Although, as such events are not always with financial reach of many individuals, there are often scholarships for which those wishing to attend such an event can apply. So, before not attending any such event due to cost, it is often good to check with the organization to see if such help is available. For, while there are often many different grants and scholarships related to the arts, not all are as advertised as well as others.

In addition, one may want to read a variety of reviews and testimonials from drummers and dancers who have attended such events in the past. For, without the positive attitude of the drummers, dancers often have a more difficult time connecting with one another and such drummers. As such, when planning on drumming or dancing at such an event, it is often important to keep a happy and open Spirit when participating in such events.

To this end, when renting space, it is often good to discuss insurance requirements and coverage as well as rental rates. For, not only does one protect oneself in doing so, it allows the owner to see that one cares enough about the property to ask such questions. As such, those who ask such questions are often more likely to be awarded the rental of such property than those who appear less concerned.

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