
Understand More About Music And How It Came To Be

By Anthony Adkins

Music is something that can be enjoyed by all of us no matter what the age, religion and culture we are from. It can be played from simple music boxes and radio sets to the more up to date iPod music players. But what it is about music that makes people love it?

Different theories have been made as to how music really started. All these theories combine to come up with five musical eras which constitute music history. The first of these five eras is the prehistoric are which includes the Native American Music and Australian Aboriginal Music as well as all music produced in the preliterate cultures. Second is the Ancient Music era which marked the development of writing. It is said to have happened 4,000 years ago which also the same time as the oldest is known song was composed. This era is followed by the Early Music Era which lasted form 500 AD until the latter years of the 1500's. Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods are covered in this musical era. The fourth musical era is the Common Practice Era which includes the classical and romantic periods and lasted form the 1600-1900. Lastly, we have the Modern or Contemporary Era which started in the 20th century and continues to date.

Along with the evolution of music in the different musical eras are the different musical instruments were invented. The first music boxes produced in 1811 in Switzerland started the music player industry. This was further strengthened in 1876 when the Pianola, which is the first ever working piano, was invented and exhibited in Philadelphia. Thomas Edison further improved the music player industry when he developed the phonograph which is considered as the first method of recording and playing back sounds. These phonographs were eventually replaced by radio sets when modern broadcasting was born in Pittsburgh, PA and people started listening to radio stations such as KDKA Radio.

The invention of cassette tapes in the 1980's is considered as one of the major steps in music revolution. It is during this time that the Sony's "Walkman" became a major hit among music aficionados and teenagers. The compact discs on the other hand provided a new format for recording and playing back music when it was introduced in 1982. These music players and compact discs are slowly and continuously being replaced by advanced music player such as the iPod which is one of the most popular music players today.

But why is music so loved by people that they play them in various music players from simple radio sets to iPhones. There were six top reason cited for people's love for music. First is people's regard for music as a universal language that bridges gaps between cultures that spoken language cannot. Next, music helps people evoke moods and feelings that are sometimes difficult to express. Music also enhances learning with various scientific studies proving the function music plays in the enhancement of brain functioning. Another reason cited for people's love for music is the ambiance it creates, enhancing any environment where it is played. Also, music is used by all religions to help them express spiritual values. Finally, music is a simple pleasure that only requires your ears and imagination.

Music, no matter if it is played from a top of the music player or from simple radio sets will always be part of our lives. This is something ingrained in our system and will always be part of our cultures.

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