
Drummers: A Way To Improve Your Live Performances

By James Smith

It's common for musicians to be nervous when performing live as they are determined to give their audience a taster of what sounds you are capable of producing. First impressions are everything, and if the first time somebody sees you they're not impressed, it's more than likely that they won't be in the future. Every performance must be exceptional.

It's a well-known fact that getting recognised in this industry is very difficult! It can be even trickier if you don't have the right tools for the job. With great amounts of people all striving for the limelight in the industry, any improvements you can make to your sound are great when recording music or playing at a live event. One of the improvements you could make is adding a drum screen to your performance.

Unlike instruments such as the guitar, percussion produces vast amounts of volume that can often be quite overbearing. By using a drum screen, you can limit the volume of the drums which will overall improve your performance in a band, as you will no longer only be able to focus on the sound of the drums. The drums are a great instrument and are vital in bands to give the music a beat - yet when used in the wrong way, the effects can be catastrophic to a performance!

The beauty of drum screens is that not only do they help out the rest of the band; the drum screen will also allow the drummer to hear more clearly what they are playing and the ability to focus on the sounds that he/she is making. Being able to listen more clearly to the music you're creating means that you will be able to make amendments and improvements to what you are playing and make your performance better in the long run.

Playing live music events is one of the most adrenaline-packed times of any musician's life - and most certainly highlights, so you want to ensure that everything runs smoothly during this time. As drum screens are not too expensive, there really is no excuse not to use one during a performance and increase your chances of getting recognised in this tough industry.

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